On sale now for Sodastream 0.5 Liter Bottles in Black (Set of 2) is now alive. This cool product is currently available, you might buy it now for only $0.00 and usually delivered within 24 hours.
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Buy Sodastream 0.5 Liter Bottles in Black (Set of 2) lowest price. lowest price is presented for you on Sodastream Liter Bottles at Best prices. Find for lowest deals.
Product Description
- 0.5 liter BPA bottles
- Set of 2
User Opinions
I was thrilled to see that Sodastream makes travel size bottles now. They work just like the large ones; no issue with carbonating a smaller amount of water. They are about the same size as a traditional water bottle (perhaps just a bit wider) and fit in my lunch bag for work. I make my own soda with juice/flavor and stevia. Not only is it healthier, but I can make an entire liter for less money that I would pay for a single can of pop. Very convenient. I'm going to buy a second set.
Jennifer Ackerman
I bought these at the same time as two extra 1 liter bottles and after the order was processed, I started questioning myself if these were really needed or not. Well, you know what? I use these pretty much daily now and haven't even touched the extra liter bottles I got yet and it's been three months. These are the perfect size for me. I dislike making a ton of carbonated water just to have it sit in the fridge and go flat. If I'm going to make it at home, I'm going to make it to order and these bottles are perfect for that. I also love that they fit perfectly in my purse or my car drink holder. I can take them anywhere!
K Fino
Bought these because the liter bottles are too big to fit in cup holders. These fit nicely in my car and stroller, so I bring these with me when I'm on the go.
Rating: 4 12 reviews
Tags: 0.5 Liter Bottles, Sodastream Liter Bottles, Sodastream 0.5 Bottles
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