Best offer for Mosa - Soda Siphon (1 liter) is now alive. This cool product is currently on sale, you may purchase it this moment for only $60.00 and often delivered within a single day.
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Product Description
Don't like the taste of tap water? Enjoy ice cream sodas? Want your children to drink more healthful sodas? How about a perfectly made, refreshing wine spritzer? Our Mosa soda siphon has the secret to all that and more . . . bottled just for you. Our classic model, in a beautiful brushed metal, will add a splash of sparkle whenever you squeeze its handle. Makes a great party mixer! co2 chargers purchased separately
Factor Benefits
- make your own carbonated water
- healthy flavored sodas at home
- stylish brushed metal construction
- add a splash of sprakling water with the press of a button
- perfect home bar or kitchen gadget
Customer Reviews
I purchased this unit to save money on store bought soda and reduce the associated trash output. It works as advertised and produces a liter of soda per CO2 charger. The iSi soda chargers seem to work better with a cleaner taste than the namesake Mosa chargers. The assembly of the unit, general operation, and installation of the chargers is simple and easy to accomplish. The unit is mostly made of aluminum and, though it appears to be made plastic, the handle is made of metal as well. All of the threaded surfaces on the top are made of metal with o-ring seals though the housing and output tube is made of plastic. The interior tubing and other parts are also made of plastic. The unit feels solid and has produced ca. 40 liters of soda without a hiccup.
scott gooden
I decided to give soda siphons a try to reduce the amount of plastic I use! I don't care for regular water, I drink soda or seltzer water. So for this WORKS1 iT'S SEALED SO IT DOES NOT GO FLAT! At least dfuring my period of consumption. So far I consider this a good desistion!
The only reason this product did not get 5 stars is that after I use it, no matter what I try, it dribbles a little liquid out of the spout. It's kind of annoying as I have to put a paper towel in the fridge to catch the drips or there's a wet spot on the shelf. Don not put a full liter of liquid in it or when you charge it with cO2 water will shoot out around the top.
Rating: 3.6 8 reviews
Lookup: Soda Siphon (1, Mosa Siphon (1, Mosa Soda Siphon, Mosa Soda (1
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