On sale now for Professional 1 Quart Soda Siphon in Polished Stainless Steel is now hitting the market. This cool item is now on sale, you may purchase it right now for only $0.00 and usually delivered within a single day.
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Purchase Professional 1 Quart Soda Siphon in Polished Stainless Steel best deal. Deals available for you on 1 Quart Soda at Lowest prices. Get for best deals.
Product Description
220 Features: -Soda siphon.-Embellish with crystal clear water.-Can have classic soda drinks in perfect style.-It makes sparkling seltzer in seconds and stays carbonated for days.-Polished exterior.-Nostalgic and functional.-Synthetic black head.-Bottle material: Stainless steel.-Head material: Plastic.-Liss provides 2 years limited guarantee.-Made in Hungary.-Capacity: 1 Quart. Color/Finish: -Polished finish. Collection: -Professional collection.
Customer Reviews
Jan T.
I had an experience almost indentical to that of the other reviewer. The instructions were very difficult to decipher but I found other really straight-forward instructions online......in English. I did everything according to the instructions and when I pushed the lever.........nothing. I will return it and look for a different brand.
D. Papp
This review isn't going to be about how well the Liss 1-Quart Soda Siphon works, mainly because I never got to see it work, per se.First, after slogging through the barely decipherable instruction manual -- written in a poor translation of Hungarian, seemingly, and which seems to infer that using this product will somehow lead to botulism with its many hygeine warnings -- I cleaned the unit as per the "instructions."After letting the unit air dry, I re-assmbled it and filled it according to the "instructions." Unfortunately, due to the vague instructions, it must have been overfilled because, as I tried to charge the unit with a CO2 cartridge, it sputtered and leaked all over; either that, or the seals failed and/or it wasn't screwed down enough -- even though the "instructions" warned against overscrewing.After leaving the unit in the fridge for an hour or so, I tried to charge it again; unfortunately, somehow, the pin that punctures the CO2 cartridge and the surrounding rubber gasket bent over in the process, rendering the unit unusable. (I would try to fix it, but the nature of pressurized gas makes that a VERY risky proposition).If I had known that this product were as clumsy as it is -- and the instructions as unhelpful as they are -- I never would have bought it. Now I have an unusable -- and unused -- unit and nine CO2 cartridges . . . and I don't know if I'm going to get a replacement siphon.
D. W. Bourne
The seal between top and bottle requires grease to prevent leakage, and still it requires a mighty screw-down. More important and less-easily solved is the design of the screw-on CO2 cartridge holder. It is made of a fairly soft plastic, which engages a threaded metal nipple. Soon the plastic threads on the holder are worn and almost impossible to engage. A metal holder would have solved this problem. A letter to the USA office of Liss went unanswered. I have two (never more!) of these bottles, both failed the same way.
Rating: 2.5 11 reviews
Key: Professional 1 Quart, 1 Quart Soda, Professional 1 Soda, Professional Quart Soda
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