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Order ISI Twist'n Sparkle compatible 8 gram CO2 charger, 100 units top product. Best deal is presented for you on ISI Twist'n Sparkle at Discounted prices. Find for best deals.
Item Description
These are the industry standard for 8g CO2 cartridges. Each one is laser-sealed for the longest shelf life and most accurate and consisent product dimensions on the market. This ensures a great result every single time with most any soda siphon on the market.
- LOOSE - NOT IN BOXES - 8g CO2 non-threaded weld-sealed steel - virtually unlimited shelf-life!
- Uses Include: carbonated soda water (with no quinine & no aftertaste!)
- Antique pellet gun & toy car propellant
- Kleer-Drain by Mag Engineering refill CO2 cartridges
Customer Opinions
Lowell Fair
I am not really rating this item as I want it and came across this as a reason not to buy it right now: [...]
Rating: 1 1 reviews
Tags: ISI Twist'n Sparkle
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