On sale now for Whip-It 1-Liter Soda Siphon, Rubber Coated, Black is now hitting the market. This best product is currently on sale, you could purchase it right now for just $59.95 and usually delivered within a single day.
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Purchase Whip-It 1-Liter Soda Siphon, Rubber Coated, Black top item. lowest price available for you on Whip-It 1-Liter Siphon, at Discounted prices. Get for lowest deals.
Product Description
Whip-It Brand: Reflecting over 60 years of manufacturing expertise. Fresh sparkling beverages in the convenience of your own home.
- Durable system to make freshly carbonated water
- Beautiful and stylish rubber coated finish in black
- Convenient, affordable and safe to use at home
- Includes charger holder and step-by-step instructions
- Requires one whip-it co2 cartridge to operate not included
Customer Reviews
A N 3
So I use this once, and place it in the refrigerator. I open the refrigerator an hour later and the water completely emptied from the bottle. I think most came out the back valve where the CO2 goes in, but this product is built so poorly, I suspect some came out the front nozzle as well. If this is typical I'd recommend you look elsewhere.
Karla Guererri
I had to return it becaus it was missing something. Maybe an o ring? It sprayed water all over my kitchen. Ultimately, I bought another brand, and that one works great.
Rating: 1 2 reviews
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